What is SHBrowse.dll? ----------------------- SHBrowse.dll is a small dll that allows a VB5 program to easily use the Shell Browse dialog that is available in Win95 / NT4. How to use SHBrowse.dll? ------------------------- Sample VB5 program demonstrates how to use the dll. Basically, you need to: * declare the function "GetFolder" * Allocate enough space in a string variable to receive the selected path that is returned from the Browse dialog. * Set the caption of the label that appears just above the tree control on the Browse dialog (optional). * Call the function GetFolder with the required parameters. * The selected folder path is returned in the "SelectedPath" parameter. What does it cost? -------------------- Nothing - it's free. If you feel really grateful, you may send me an e-mail with any comments/requests. --------------------------------- Warning - Use at your own risk! --------------------------------- Although I know of no problems arising out of the use of this dll, I make no claims of perfection either. e-mail: JimJanelle@bigfoot.com website: www.bigfoot.com/~JimJanelle